Winter Music Together

I am excited about everything there is to learn from playing with songs in the Drum collection this Winter!  We have experienced some good songs to put in your "diaper bag" or "back pocket," for those times you need to help redirect or motivate your little ones.  Our first week of class we sang Clap Your Hands.  This song is easy to improvise new lyrics with to go along with your daily routine (wash your hands, eat your food, hold my hand, etc.).  The other song that is great to add to your day is John the Rabbit.  Reinforcing some good manners with that repetitive "Yes ma'am" is always a great addition to the day.

We have been singing Tomorrows Now Today, and will sing the same lullaby for one more week.  Your children hearing your voice during the lullaby is so important for their musical growth.  I like to repeat one lullaby for several weeks so you can really learn it, and hopefully start singing it at home too!

Our first week of class we danced to The Fresh Beat Band's Freeze Dance.  Click below to listen here, or buy from Amazon.  Our instrument play along was the song Play Along from the Music Together collection.

Week 2 we danced to the Can Can.  We experienced dynamics by tip toeing, wiggling, jumping, and finally kicking!  We enjoyed some jazz for our instrument play along with Bounce Me Brother With A Solid Four.